Lake Improvement
The Lake Improvement Committee serves as a bridge between the lake group and other parties to help LMMD to engage and educate the Lake Mason community, with the ultimate goal of writing a management plan for our treasured lake. This committee’s work is critical to supporting the future of Lake Mason.
For a full outline of the committee’s work and expectations, view the original description here.
Committee Members
- Co-Chairs: Barb Maley & Bob Carlson
- Board Representatives: Dave Deltgen & Michael Madden
- Kids Don't Float Chair: Steve Lizer
- Committee Members: Liz Lehr, Dale Sankey & Brooke Cooper
Water Testing Team
- Dave Sankey
- Elizabeth Lehr
- Steve Lizer
- Bob Carlson
- Dave Deltgen
- Barbara Maley
Committee Agendas, Minutes & Notes
2022 Committee Survey Results
Note: Survey results are being shared by the LMMD for information purposes only. Survey results will be used to help guide our Lake Improvement Committee and the DNR as it relates to grant writing, project initiatives, and further development and enhancement of our lake.